Our Principal

Ph.D. Ocean Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India, 2007 Thesis: "Experimental Investigation on a Moored Oscillating Water Column (MOWC) wave energy device"

M.Tech. Energy Technology Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, 1997, CGPA: 8.17 Thesis: "Thermal Design of Solar Pond for Pondicherry Co-op. Dairy"

B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, 1994, First Class, 69% Thesis: "Computer Aided Analysis of Fits and Tolerances"

Renewable Energy

Energy Audit and Conservation

Ocean Engineering

Business AnalyticsCertificate No. 29185-108-1230

Goods and Service TaxCertificate No. 29185-97-1199

HR Metrics Certificate No. 29185-128-1275

Excel 2013 for Beginners Certificate No. 29185-57-1276

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) for Beginners Certificate No. 29185-179-1288

International Well Control Forum (Level 1) IWCF LMS Certificate No. 6k4w6dMHc3

MISTE Life Member- Membership No. LM 30965

FIIPE Member- Membership No. SF3573

ASEE Member - Membership No.104564

IAENG Member - Membership No: 186665


1) Lecture delivered on Energy Efficiency – Service in the Short Term Training Programme (STTP) for teachers of Architecture and Engineering at Periyar Maniammai College of Technology for Women, Thanjavur on 19th July 2001.

2) Lecture delivered on Ocean Wave Energy at Periyar Maniammai College of Technology for Women, Thanjavur on 18.08.2004

3) Lecture delivered on Product Design in the AICTE Short term Training Programme on Product Design for Industries organized by Mailam Engineering College, Mailam on 22.05.2008

4) Lecture delivered “Earthquakes and Tsunamis” in the Department of Architecture, Periyar Maniammai University for the National Training Programme on “Capacity Building of Architects and Civil engineers in Earthquake Risk Management” (NPCBAERM) on 23rd March 2010

State Level

5) Lecture delivered on Ocean Energy in the One day Seminar on Renewable Energy organized by Bharathiyar College of Engineering and Technology, Karaikal on 20.08.2005

6) Lecture delivered on Renewable Energy in the One day Seminar on Renewable Energy organized by Karaikal Polytechnic College, Karaikal on 24.08.2005

7) Lecture delivered on Ocean Energy in the One day Seminar on Renewable Energy organized by Royal College of Engineering, Mahabalipuram during August 2007

8) Lecture delivered on Renewable Energy for Rural applications to Block Development Officer in Karaikal during August 2007

9) Lecture delivered on Renewable Energy in the celebration of Rajiv Gandhi Renewable Energy Day conducted by Women Polytechnic College, Puducherry on 13.09.2007 7

10) Lecture delivered on Solar Energy in the One day Seminar on Renewable Energy organized by Karaikal Polytechnic College, Karaikal on 07.01.2008

11) Lecture delivered on Solar Energy in the One day Seminar on Renewable Energy organized by Bharthiar College of Engineering and Technology, Karaikal on 08.01.2008

12) Lecture delivered on Basics of Wave Energy organized by Science Club, Don Bosco School, Puducherry on 21.06.2008

13) Lecture delivered on Renewable Energy to Block Development Officers, Villianur Commune on 11.07.2008.

14) Lecture delivered on Renewable Energy to Block Development Officers, Reddiarpalayam Commune on 16.07.2008.

15) Lecture delivered on Renewable Energy to Block Development Officers, Karikalampakkam Commune on 17.07.2008.

16) Lecture delivered on Renewable Energy to High School Students in Puducherry Region on 11.08.2008.

17) Lecture delivered on Renewable Energy to Higher Secondary School Students in Puducherry Region on 12.08.2008.

18) Lecture delivered on Harnessing Ocean Energy for future needs organized by Renewable Energy Agency Pondicherry at Womens Polytechnic College on 03.10.2009.

19) Lecture delivered on Harnessing Ocean Energy organized by Renewable Energy Club, Pondicherry Engineering College, Puducherry on 13.10.2009.

20) Lecture deliverd on “OTEC and Wave Energy” in the Rural Energy Centre, The Gandhigram Rural Institute – Deemed University, Dindigul on 8 March 2013

1. Vijayakrishna Rapaka, E., Natarajan, R., and Neelamani, S., “Experimental investigation on the dynamic response of a moored wave energy device under regular sea waves.” Ocean Engineering, 31 (2004), 725-743. Impact Factor : 1.778 API Score Calculation : 0.7 * (15+10) = 17.5

2. Vijayakrishna Rapaka, E., Natarajan, R., and Neelamani, S., “Experimental study on the dynamic response of a moored floating wave energy device”, OMAE 2003, Proceeding of the 22nd International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, June 8- 13, 2003, Cancun, Mexico.

Impact Factor : - API Score Calculation : 0.7 * (15) = 10.5

3. Vijayakrishna Rapaka, E., Neelamani, S., and Natarajan, R., “On the efficiency and transmission characteristics of a 1:20 model fixed wave energy device”, OMAE 2003, 3 Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, June 8-13, 2003, Cancun, Mexico. Impact Factor : API Score Calculation : 0.7 * (15) = 10.5

4. N. Sozhan, T. Senthilvelan, T. Kaliyappan, Vijayakrishna Rapaka, E., S.P. Sivapirakasam, "Experimental Investigations on a 1.00 m2 Solar Gel Pond", Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 592-594, pp. 2360-2364, 2014. Impact Factor : API Score Calculation : 0.3 * (15) = 4.5

5. Vijayakrishna Rapaka, E., “Specific power optimization of 0.1 MWe closed cycle OTEC power plant” International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET), vol.2, Issue 7, July 2013, 2831-2836. [ ISSN : 2319-8753] API Score Calculation : 0.7 * (10) = 7

6. Vijayakrishna Rapaka, E., and Michael Bakkiyanathan, D., “Mathematical modeling of a plate type heat exchanger for a 0.1 MWe OTEC Plant” International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), vol.2, Issue 7, July 2013, 991-1004. [ISSN : 2278-0181] API Score Calculation : 0.7 * (10) = 7

7. Vijayakrishna Rapaka, E., Rajagopan, .S, Pranitha, V., and Kathambari, R., “Modeling of Hydrogen Production through an Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion System” International Journal of Emerging Science and Engineering (IJESE), vol. 1, Issue 9, July 2013, 41-48. [ISSN: 2319-6378] API Score Calculation : 0.7 * (10) = 7

8. Sozhan, N., Senthilvelan, T., Kaliyappan, T., and Vijayakrishna Rapaka, E., “Experimental Investigation on a 0.25 m2 Solar Gel Pond” ” International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET), vol.2, Issue 8, August 2013, 3384-3397. [ ISSN : 2319-8753] API Score Calculation : 0.3 * (10) = 3

9. Vijayakrishna Rapaka, E, "Performance of a Fish Bowl Type Solar Hot Pot with diverse reflectors:, International Journal of Advanced Engineering & Computing Tehnologies, December 2013 [ ISSN 2249-4928] API Score Calculation : 0.7 * (10) = 7

10. Juno Jasmine, J and Vijayakrishna Rapaka, E, "A Study on the influence of Higher Secondary Subjects Scores on Engineering Performance", International Journal of Engineering and Management Research, Volume-7, Issue-4, August 2017, 248-252. [ ISSN 2394-6962] API Score Calculation : 0.7 * (10) = 7

11. Vijayakrishna Rapaka, E., and Venkatraman, A., “A Low Cost Screw Propeller Windmill for Pumping Applications”, RUWATSS, International Conference on Innovative Technologies for Rural Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation, Roorkee, Oct.12-13, 2000

12. Mohammed Ali, Vijayakrishna Rapaka, E., Sivakumar, P., Sadhish Kumar and Mourougavelou, V., “A special type of milling fixture for discontinous threads”, ICME 2001, 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Dhaka, Dec.26-28, 2001.

13. Vijayakrishna Rapaka, E., Hemanth Kannan and Sukumaran, “Performance of a refrigerator using eco-friendly HC blend refirgerant R290/R600a (CARE 30)”, ICME 2001, 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Dhaka, Dec.26-28, 2001.

14. Vijayakrishna Rapaka, E., and Venkatraman, A., “Studies on a Screw Propeller Windmill” ICME 2001, 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Dhaka, Dec.26-28, 2001.

15. Vijayakrishna Rapaka, E., Natarajan, R., and Neelamani, S., “Behaviour of moored floating energy device”, MARIND 2002, Fourth International Conference on Marind Industry, Bulgaria, Oct.06-11, 2002

16. Vijayakrishna Rapaka, E., Natarajan, R., and Neelamani,S., “Hydrodynamic performance of a floating wave energy device”, SHOT 2002, International Conference on Ship and Ocean Technology, IIT Kharagpur, Dec.18-10, 2002.

17. Vijayakrishna Rapaka, E., Natarajan, R., and Neelamani, S., “On the efficiency, transmission characteristics and dynamic response of a moored floating OWC wave energy device”, COPEDEC VI, Sixth International Conference on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries, September 15th to 19th, 2003, Colombo, Sri Lanka. (Received the COPEDEC VI Fellowship Award and visited Sri Lanka to present the above-mentioned paper.)

18. Sozhan, N., Vijayakrishna Rapaka, E., and Gunasegarane, S., “Solar Pond for Energy Conservation in a Diary Industry located at Pondicherry region” FTEC 2003 4th International Conference on Fluid and Thermal Energy Conversion, Bali Islands, Thailand, Dec.7-11, 2003.

19. Vijayakrishna Rapaka, E., Natarajan, R., and Neelamani, S., “On the efficiency and transmission characteristics of a 1:20 model fixed wave energy device under varied damping conditions”, COT 2003, International Conference on Coastal and Ocean Technology, December 10-12, 2003, Chennai, India.

20. Sozhan, N., and Vijayakrishna Rapaka, E., “Thermal studies on a Salt Gradient Solar Pond for a possible application in the Diary Industry at Pondicherry region, India-Case study”, First International Conference on Renewable Energy, New Delhi, India, Oct. 6-8, 2004. 5

21. Sozhan, N., Kaliyappan, T., Rajagopan, S. and Vijayakrishna Rapaka, E., “Theoretical and Experimental Investigations on a 0.25 m2 Solar Gel Pond”, International Conference on Ocean Engineering, Goa, India, Dec. 7-9, 2004.

22. Vijayakrishna Rapaka, E., and Natarajan, R., “On the hydrodynamics and motion response of a 1:20 model moored OWC wave energy device in regular waves” INCHOE 2007, Fourth Indian National Conference on Harbour and Ocean Engineering, 12th –14th December 2007, Surathkal, Mangalore, India.

23. Vijayakrishna Rapaka, E., and Natarajan, R., “On the hydrodynamics and motion response of a 1:20 model moored OWC wave energy device in random waves”, COPEDEC VII, Seventh International Conference on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries, 24th– 29th December, Dubai. (Received the COPEDEC VII Fellowship Award and will be visiting Dubai to present the above-mentioned paper.)

24. Rajagopan, S., Kaliyappan, T., Sozhan, N., Vijayakrishna Rapaka, E., and Senthivelan, T., “Experimental Studies on Model Solar Gel Ponds in Puducherry region” 15th ISME International Conference on New Horizons of Mechanical Engineering, Rajiv Gandhi Technological University, March 18-20, 2008.

25. Vijayakrishna Rapaka, E., Neelamani, S., and Natarajan, R., “On the transmission characteristics and efficiency of a 1:20 model fixed and floating wave energy device/breakwater”, NASHAR-2003, National Seminar on Harbour Structures, Chennai, INDIA, 20-22 February 2003.

26. Sozhan, N., and Vijayakrishna Rapaka, E., “Thermal studies and Experimental Investigations on a 0.25 m2 Solar Gel Pond”, All India Seminar/Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, India, Aug. 20-21, 2004.

27. Vijayakrishna Rapaka, E., Soundararajan, V., Ranjit Kumar Srivastava, Veangadakrishnan, and Vijayanarayanan, “Thermal Performance Test Results for Double Facet Solar Box Cooker”, National Conference in Recent Advancement in Mechanical Engineering (RAME 2007), Department of Mechanical Engineering, K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode, Namakkal, Tamilnadu, India, 21st & 22nd February 2007.

28. Rajagopan, S., Vijayakrishna Rapaka, E., Sozhan, N., Kaliyappan, T., and Senthivelan, T., “Fabrication and Experimental Investigations On a 0.25 m2 Solar Gel Pond”, National Conference & Exhibition on Demand Side Management Options for Energy Sustainability (DSMES ’07), Department of EEE, Pondicherry Engineering College, Puducherry, India, 25th October 2007.

29. Vijayakrishna Rapaka, E. and Natarajan, R., “Hydrodynamics Of A 1:20 Model Floating Wave Energy Device In Regular Waves”, National Conference on Energy Efficiency: The Environmental Solution (EEES07), Centre for Energy & Environmental Science and Technology (CEESAT), National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirapalli, India, 27-28 December 2007. 6

30. Rajagopan, S., Sozhan, N., Vijayakrishna Rapaka, E., Kaliyappan, T., and Senthivelan, T., “Operational Experiences on Model Solar Gel Ponds in Puducherry region” National Conference on Energy Efficiency: The Environmental Solution (EEES07), Centre for Energy & Environmental Science and Technology (CEESAT), National Institute of Technology,

31. Vijayakrishna Rapaka, E, "Performance of a Fish Bowl Type Solar Hot Pot with diverse reflectors:, First International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering & Applied Sciences, Rajasthan College of Engineering for Women, Jaipur, India, 27-28 December 2013

32. Vijayakrishna Rapaka, E, "Design and Fabrication of Hydrogen Production Kit and Comparision of Electrode Performance", 7th National Conference on Emerging Trends in Thermal, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering e-TIME '14, Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore, 28 March 2014

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Telephone:(0413) 2615 308, 309
Email: info@rgcetpdy.ac.in
Website: www.rgcet.edu.in

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Pondicherry-607 403,

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